However, these days, traditional sources of electricity generation and the production of fossil fuel are limited and also tend to be more pollution prone, very costly and non-renewable. Considering the above, the simple solution to this problem is – TO SAVE. As we grow saving what we have right now can itself become the source of energy. Recently, there are many motorized vehicles operating in our daily life either as public transportation, delivery of goods, or just as a personal transportation.
Thanks to our unique innovative products (GYENYAMECARD, AKWAABASAVER, AND ADINKRA ANTI-RADIATION STICKERS), which mainly use proprietary vibration waves with 21st Century US GERMAN NANO AND JAPANESE TOURMALINE, FIR technology to function. This devices are so user-friendly and has no side effects. This wonderful product is very useful & effective in saving fuel, electricity, primarily at residential, commercial, & industrial areas. It helps rearrange fuel molecules from scattered particles to smaller particles to atomize combustion, reduce tail gas emissions, and prolong your engine's lifespan. It reduces heat and EMR wastage of electrical energy, leading to effective & maximum utilization of energy to save more on our electricity bills and by far prolonging the lifespan of our electrical appliances.It also clears radiological emissions, which lead to cancer. This unique product has helped us achieve a cut-down on our fuel consumption and electricity bills with a remarkable margin of up to 40%, which has been approved by the Ghana Standards Authority and the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission.
According to experiments, the use of the new quantum energy savers can obviously save fuel, lower electricity consumption, and reduce tail gas emissions. They are suitable for vehicles and electrical appliances, convenient to install, and there is no adverse reaction or side effect.
Data shows it saves most fuel when vehicles are driven in 90 KM/H, and when driven in 60 KM/H, the fuel saving ratio is highest. If these new energy savers can be promoted to the automotive and hydroelectric industries, and thus all automobiles / households install energy savers, we can save nearly 100 thousand tons of oil, several gigawatts of electricity, billions of dollars in costs, and reduce much air pollution.
Future Works.
Further improvement is needed to implement the proposed system in the automobile and industrial sectors on a larger scale.
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5. J. K. Fen, Discovery of Nature, 4, No.1, 135-136 (1985)
6. Y. Wang, Dynamics of Industrial Economy in China, No.9, 41-43 (2014)
Importance of Gye Nyame Fuel Saving Card
Energy is something which is a necessity to all human beings. We consume energy for our various needs depending upon our requirements. We have discovered various devises, mechanisms, machines, tools & equipments which made our lives much easier than ever before and this search & innovation seems unending. Also, to make such things functional, we have invented many ways to convert energy in to the required forms… say electricity, petrol, diesel, nuclear energy and the list is still counting…
However, during all this journey of progress, we harmed our nature like never before. We have consumed the natural resources at the disastrous extent, many of them are non-renewable ones. Pollution is one majr problems we all are dealing with. Time has come when we all have to take this problem seriously and pull up our sleeves to take some prominent action to fight back. Saving our Mother Earth must be at the highest priority.